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​응시, 원경의 지평

<Contemplative Contemplation - The Horizon in a distant view>

​응시, 원경의 지평

<Contemplative Contemplation - The Horizon in a distant view>

"When in the height heaven was not named,
And the earth beneath did not yet bear a name,
And the primeval Apsû, who begat them,
And chaos, Tiamat, the mother of them both, --
Their waters were mingled together,
And no field was formed, no marsh was to be seen;
When of the gods of none had been called into being,
And none bore a name, and no destinies;
Then were created the gods in the midst of heaven,
Lahmu and Lahamu were called into being,
Ages increased,
Then Anshar and Kishar were created … "
- from the <Enuma Elish: The First Tablet>

‘Anshar’ and ‘Kishar’, the gods of the horizon and skyline, appear in the ancient Babylonian creation myth, <Enuma Elish>. Although they are only briefly mentioned in the first tablet of <Enuma Elish>, which deals with the beginning of the universe, they are the parent gods of the sky god ‘Anu’. During the earliest civilizations in ancient Mesopotamia the Sumerian and Akkadian periods, ‘Anu’ was revered as the sky god and supreme god. To take this narrative of Babylonian mythology, I connect the two pieces as one piece every time to express the horizon.

In my work, ‘horizon’ symbolizes a limit that is known but cannot be overcome.
Even taking into account the fact that it involves errors due to arbitrary interpretation, empirical evidence is often different from facts, despite our understanding of this, there are limits that we cannot overcome. My work is expressions based on these thoughts.

Also, ‘horizon’ expresses the “endlessly open world” ahead of us.
Understanding and insight are not reducible to a specific set of rules.

Curvature is a characteristic of space and it creates gravitational force -
‘Horizon’ comes from the curvature of the ground. However, what is visible is not a curvature, but a horizon. Gravity is also the curvature of space, and it allows us to stand with our feet on the ground. However, what we feel is gravity, not the curvature of space.


In this way,

‘horizon’ becomes a metaphor that expresses the limits of experience.

Methods of expression are used as metaphors for the gap between concepts and phenomena.

In geometry, the method of exhaustion shows that, for example, if you divide a circle into infinitely many sectors, you can find the area of the circle using the formula for finding the area of a rectangle. However, this approach constantly converges but can’t be finished and never establishes itself.


In other words, a circle becomes a rectangle – It is premised on ‘infinity’.
However, the phenomenal realization of infinity outside the realm of concepts has not been confirmed, this still remains an unestablishable and unconfirmed problem.

- BHANG Youngmoon, Mar 27, 2024. (2024년 3월 27일, 사진작가 방영문)

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